2019 new generation Cors-Air Air-Box that fits other engines with Walbro or Tillotson carburetors.
The CORS-AIR BOX not just any airbox!!!
There are boxes, and then there's the CORS-AIR box!
Thanks to an airflow in-depth study, the main functional feature of our new generation CORS-AIR BOX is the optimized torque curve provided to our
Black Devil, Black Bull and Black Bee, and the increased engine stability at low RPM range and great performance at high RPM range.
Because of the airflow in 2- channel mode distribution, one positioned lower, and one higher, on the CORS-AIR air-box we could break
the sound waves making our box sound quieter.
It is worth knowing that an air-box is also a resonator similar to a tuned pipe and therefore, if the resonance is in tune with the engine,
more power can be achieved! The aerodynamic shape of CORS-AIR box ensures a linear flow from propeller, which is now in its
best performance environment.
The goal was to reach all these results without having just any air-box but developing a product with a unique design and
a new and improved PPG engine. The CORS-AIR BOX is complete with a foam filter and safety system connecting the air-box directly to the engine,
offering flexibility and maximum security in the simplest yet the most effective way.
For more info call 708-341-5900 or e-mail to: info@aerocorsair.com
Alex Varv's carburetor DVD $35.00 plus shipping
This DVD is an excellent reference tool that shows how to overhaul a WB type carburetor (WB37C ; WB 32; WB 3A) how to install tuning handles so the carburetor is easily adjusted while the engine is running and finally, the DVD shows how to check and set the correct pop-off pressure.
The TTO digital Tach-Hour meter $55.00 plus shipping $8.00