www.corsairmotors.com - the manufacturer of the Cors-Air engines

www.usppa.org   - United States Powered Paragliding Association contains a lot of PPG info!

http://www.flyohio.com    uses  the the Cors-Air engines on the SPIRIT paramotor Paramotors

www.macdizzy.com/2stroke.htm   - the most complete two stroke engine site

www.qsl.net/xq2fod -belonging to Manfred Mornhinweg, a very multilateral  PPG pilot (very interesting site)

www.highenergysports.com  - leading manufacturer of emergency rescue systems, power parachute wings and hang gliding harnesses

www.para2000.org  -one of the most complete site with info about paragliders

www.PoweredParagliding.ca  - Phil Clark's PPG site

http://www.azppg.com/bb/  - Arizona PPG Buletin Board

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