Cors-Air LIGHT, Cors-Air LIGHT/Sport, Cors-Air Black Bull and Cors-Air M19 engine prices
Due to INFLATION as of Jan 2023, a 12% price increase occured on all parts and engines
NEW 2022Black Bull engine (35 HP) hand start or electric start incl. complete new exhaust, reduction,
Tryton carburetor ,air-box, less propeller or cooling shroud.................................................................................................... $3,536.00 plus shipping
Black Bull complete engine electric start or hand start with the new exhaust with Walbro WB37C carburetor .................$3,436.00 plus shipping
New for2022 simplified and better performing exhaust system where the tuned pipe is incorporated in the muffler
so no more exhaust springs. The engine is quieter and has a pleasant deep sound!!
The new2022 Black Bull engine has an optional battery charging system for Sealed lead Acid battery and a different one
for the LIPO batteries!!
Black Bull available reductions: 1:3; 1:33: 1:3,4!!!
New Black Devil LIGHT engine with classic hand start ............................................................... $2,900.00
New Black Devil LIGHT/ Sport ............................................................................................ $3,199.00 plus shipping
The above prices do not include propeller, charging system, cooling shroud or shipping.
These are aftermarket products and must be ordered separately.
The price of all the above Black Devil engines is for 1:2.2; 1:2.5 and 1:2.6 reduction
For the FORTE reduction (1:2.88) add $25.00
For the Cors-Air Black Devil LIGHT/SPORT with carbon fiber muffler, carbon fiber air-box and quick propeller change system add $250.00
None of the above engines has the propeller or shipping included in the price.
Important notes:
The fuel injected Cors-Air M25Y/Black Devil engines
are not available for civilian use. They are sold only to US military contractors for UAV (Unmanned Aircraft) applications!
We offer dealer's prices only of 5 engines are purchased in the same time regardless of configuration.
Cors-Air LIGHT and Cors-Air LIGHT/SPORT engine parts price list
Cors-Air M25y Black Devil, Black Devil light List of parts not shown in the pictures above
Cors-Air Black Devil LIGHT parts list
Air-box with filter and rubber flange ....................................................................$126.60
Air-box foam insert (old type, round) ......................................................................$68.50
Air-box rubber flange...................................................................................................$36.67
Belt (poly "V") 483 and 508 12 groove ...................................................................$42.75
Belt (poly "V") 483 and 508 15 groove....................................................................$45.75
Back support for crankcase with oil seal installed .........................................$119.00
Engine back support (incl. oil seal and 4 bolts)..................................................$215.00
Carburetor gasket ..........................................................................................................$5.05
Carburetor flange gasket .............................................................................................$5.05
Carburetor flange (bed) part #23 .............................................................................$39.70
Carburetor Walbro WB 37C (highly customized with tuning handles) ........ $165.00
Carburetor Tryton made in Italy (exceptional performance)...........................$266.40
Cylinder head cooling shroud w hardware (lowers CHT by 100F) ...............$159.60
Clutch bell w factory installed bearings ...............................................................$131.50
Clutch shoes w springs, bolts etc (complete) ..................................................... $98.75
Crankcase complete with tie rods (parts 7,8,9 and 10) ...................................$473.00
Crankcase tie rods ......................................................................................................$26.00
Crankshaft (BD)complete with connecting rod and needle bearing ......... $447.00
Crankshaft oil seals (pair) (part #15)....................................................................... $45.32
Crankshaft bearings (type C3) part #6 .................................................................. $87.00
Cylinder head with NO decompressor hole part #1 .........................................$182.75
Cylinder head with decompressor hole part #1 ...not made anymore..........$192.75
Cylinder with no decompressor hole ............not made anymore...................$475.00
Cylinder with internal decompressor hole ........................................................$495.00
Cylinder head gasket "O" ring ,part #11 .............................................................$12.78
Cylinder base gasket part #12 .................................................................................$7.75
Cylinder exhaust gasket .........................................................................................$13.00
Decompressor (auto.) complete with hose, clamp and check valve............$80.00
Decompressor (auto. decompressor hose w check valve and clamp)..... $16.00
Decompressor (automatic) alone .........................................................................$64.00
Decompressor (manual) .........................................................................................$68.00
Electric starter alone (no hardware) ..................................................................$275.00
Electric starter hardware bracket, bolt, nut, washer, clamp and rubber.... $30.00
Electric starter plate with oil seal installed and four screws ........................ $95.00
Electric starter solenoid 70A with spade connectors .................................... $75.00
Electric starter solenoid 30A is not recommended and discontinued!!!!! ---------
Electric starter BENDIX complete .................................................................... $130.00
Electric start engine magnetic wheel with Woodruff key ............................$160.00
Engine mount, factory approved male female connection one mount .....$29.00
Engine rubber mount with safety webbing male female one mount............37.00
Exhaust manifold gasket ......................................................................................$13.00
NEW exhaust complete no springs, elastic connection tuned pipe
incorporated in muffler, cheaper than the classic one
and with increased performance .........................................................$580.00
Exhaust silencer (muffler) only (new stainless steel construction) .........$200.00
Exhaust muffler clamps, rubber insert, nuts, washers and bolts ...............$38.00
Exhaust muffler brackets with rubber mounts ................................................$75.00
Exhaust tuned pipe alone (new stainless steel construction) ..................$479.00
Exhaust manifold new type (stainless steel construction) ........................$110.00
Exhaust manifold special nut (one piece) ..........................................................$3.50
Exhaust manifold stud with safety wire hole ....................................................$6.00
Exhaust tuned pipe silicone sleeve ...................................................................$11.00
Exhaust spring (new type with swivel hooks) ..................................................$9.00
Hand start engine magnetic wheel with Woodruff key, part #20 ................$95.90
Electric start engine magnetic wheel with Woodruff key ...........................$160.00
Hand start engine classic with 3 dogs (part #18)...........................................$125.00
Hand start engine coupler (basket) ....................................................................$42.00
Hand start mechanism recoil spring ..................................................................$35.20
New Flash Starter complete w dog mechanism ............................................$299.00
New Flash starter housing .................................................................................$102.30
New Flash Starter main spring ............................................................................$49.00
New Flash Start rope pulley .................................................................................$35.00
New Flash Start tugger ..........................................................................................$30.20
Hand start engine round oil seal cover with oil seal and screws ..............$56.70
Ignition module for el. start engine incl. charging coils..............................$182.00
Ignition coil for hand start engine with spark plug cap part #21 ...............$85.55
Ignition coil for el. start engine (no spark plug cap) part #37 ....................$98.00
Needle bearing for piston wrist pin (silver coated) .....................................$43.75
Piston "O", "A", "B", or "C" complete with rings, wristpin, needle bearing
and safety clips (part #3 and 4) ......................................................................$226.75
Piston rings (aviation, trapezoidal) beveled and Chromium coated .....$68.60
Piston wristpin and two safety clips ..............................................................$31.20
Propeller crush plate (improved) ....................................................................$30.00
Propeller balancer made by Cors-Air Motors (excellent)..........................$39.50
Propellers, carbon fiber HELIX factory certified any size (1,25m; 1,30m;
1,40m ands 1,50M) specially designed and calculated for best cooling
the Black Devil or Black Bull engines .........................................................$450.00
Propellers E-Prop any size (carbon fiber, very performant) ................$475.00
Reduction big pulley with 12 grooves (old design) complete .............$260.00
Reduction big pulley 130mm with 15 groove complete ........................$299.90
Reduction pulley eccentric shaft with clips, bearing spacer ..................$59.50
Reduction pulley special high speed bearings pair ..................................$80.00
Reduction small pulley with crown 12 groove (old type) .......................$136.60
Reduction small pulley with cooling disc 15 grooves for ANY reduction
(1:2,5 or 1:2,6) ....................................................................................................$192.00
Reduction small pulley with crown gear (for electric start engines)
for 1:2,2; 1:2,5 or 1:2,6 reduction .................................................................$225.00
For the FORTE reduction add........................................................................ $25.00
Reed valve complete (part #22)......................................................................$85.50
Reed valve petals set ........................................................................................$55.80
ACRO throttle for hand start engine ...........................................................$168.50
ACRO throttle for electric start engine ......................................................$198.50
Voltage regulator by IDM (part #36) ..............................................................$68.20
Some of the prices shown in the pictures on this web site do not correspond.
This is caused by a slight price increase and the difficulty in changing them
in the pictures.
All parts listed above do not include shipping costs!
Alex Varv / Aero Cors-Air USA LLC